Area Rugs


Color: Olive
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Color: Olive
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Distressed Area Rugs Olive
Distressed Area Rugs Olive
Sale priceFrom $44.40 USD Regular price$53.93 USD

Area Rugs

Area rugs are decorative floor coverings that are designed to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of a room. They are versatile and can be used in various spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, dining areas, or hallways. The materials used in area rugs vary greatly and can include natural fibers like wool, silk, cotton, jute, sisal, and bamboo, as well as synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene.

Area rugs can be found in numerous styles, ranging from traditional and Oriental designs to modern and contemporary patterns. They can feature intricate motifs, geometric shapes, floral arrangements, abstract art, or solid colors, catering to different personal preferences and interior design themes. Proper care and maintenance, including regular vacuuming, spot cleaning, and professional cleaning when needed, can help prolong the lifespan and beauty of an area rug.

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